Tuesday, July 20, 2010

anywhere you go

Work has been crazy busy this week (and it's only Tuesday!) and when I do get home I've just been lacking in the motivation to sit down and do an actual well-thought-out post. I have a back-log of things I want to write about at this point. Just so no one is too concerned that I have died or disappeared off the face of the planet (I'm sure there was some serious concern) I've got a little post of randomness for you all on this craptastic Tuesday (just me?).

Fun Fact! I don't know if many people know this about me, but I'm kind of obsessed with Russia. I don't know why. I think it all began when I saw the phenomenal animated version of Anastasia. That still ranks as one of my all-time favorite movies. I have the soundtrack on my iPod. I am such a cool kid. I'll devour anything written about the fall of the Romanov's, and sometimes I peruse all the Wikipedia pages about it for kicks. Gosh I am making myself sound like such a nerd right now. I just find it all so morbidly fascinating. And sad.

I really want to visit Russia someday, which boyfriend thinks is crazy. He also thinks moving any further than the distance from the couch to the fridge is crazy, so there's that. I have a vision of me prancing around Moscow in a huge fur hat and coat. And I want some of those little nesting dolls. Maybe I was Russian in another life. Though I don't think I could do those Russian dances, I can't squat like that. Anyway, the point of all this is I just finished a phenomenal book that takes place in Russia during World War II called City of Thieves. Go read it, it will knock your furry Russian boots off.

This has nothing to do with Russia, but it does have to do with World War II. Read this sweet and interesting story about a man who escaped from Auschwitz. He is the cutest old man ever.

Last, but definitely not least, how did I not know about this?! I love ModCloth! How were they accepting writing submissions without me knowing!? I clearly don't spend enough time on that site. I only have a week or so to scratch something together, but I am DOING IT. I just need to start brainstorming some inspiration. Something true? Something made up? I don't do poems, so there's that. I'm working up a tear-jerker in my brain.

This is a picture of me wearing my Mickey Mouse poncho from circa second grade. It is backwards.

Also, don't know if you noticed, but I've posted links to my Weardrobe and Chictopia pages over there on the sidebar. I am going to try uploading things to those two sites, but I don't know how regularly that will happen. It started mostly for contests, so I may need you guys to vote for me for things so please be aware of the links. No, I will not be posting the above photo.

Okay, I'm off to start watching my new guilty pleasure, Pretty Little Liars, from the beginning. Thank you MegaVideo!


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