Tuesday, July 19, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge

I just started doing this photo challenge on Facebook just for fun, and thought I would share the challenge on here as well. Each day there is a new category you have to post a picture for. Here is the list of what each day's photo should be about:

Day 1 - A photo of your birthplace.
Day 2 - If I wasn't me, who or what would I be?
Day 3 - Where I go to escape the world.
Day 4 - Look into my eyes, you'll see . . .
Day 5 - On my day off, my favourite thing to do.
Day 6 - The first thing I'd buy if I won lotto.
Day 7 - One person in history I'd like to spend a day with.
Day 8 - Look into my heart, you'll see . . .
Day 9 - My favourite food.
Day 10 - If I could go back into my past, what event would I revisit?
Day 11 - My best friend, and why I love them.
Day 12 - My first Pet
Day 13 - My Favourite Outfit
Day 14 - My first big Mistake
Day 15 - Favourite Movie
Day 16 - My Safe Haven
Day 17 - My strongest childhood memory
Day 18 - My first boyfriend/girlfriend
Day 19 - My favourite character from a book/movie
Day 20 - If I could have one Super Power, what would it be?
Day 21 - My worst fashion Faux Pas
Day 22 - What is Love to you?
Day 23 - If I could change one thing . . .
Day 24 - My biggest indulgence.
Day 25 - I can't do without . . .
Day 26 - On a cold, wet/snowy night, I love . . .
Day 27 - My biggest weakness
Day 28 - My biggest strength
Day 29 - My ultimate house
Day 30 - If you really knew me, you would know . . .

Some of them are pretty corny, but I thought it would be fun to get creative with it. Let me know if you're doing this as well!


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