I've been a video-a-holic today it feels like.
I used to have a Bedazzler, but my Mom got rid of it when she tried to Bedazzle a beach bag and it didn't come out the way she wanted. Blame it on the Bedazzler Mom, sure. I kind of wish I still had it. I've been wanting to put some studs on jeans and things, and it would probably be easier with that miracle tool. Though Mom would probably disagree.
love is a burnin' thing from Katrina Solano on Vimeo.
Jamie and I found this bad boy at JR's on the way to Myrtle Beach. How amazing is this toy?! I thought it was amazing, as I'm sure you can tell by my giggling and squealing in the video. It was just one of the amazing artifacts JR's had to offer. We did get in trouble for taking pictures a little while after this video. They had a giant Santa! How can you put a giant Santa in a store and not allow people to take their pictures with it? Ridiculous.