Sunday, May 23, 2010

reward zone

So I am down six pounds! It might not seem like anything to write home about, and honestly I don't see a huge difference in the way I look or the way clothes fit, but I am just so proud of myself! I'm below the weight I have been stuck at for years and years. I've decided that when I reach various weight loss milestones I'm going to treat myself to something (not food!).

For the ten pound mark (only four more to go!) I'm going to get an hour-long massage. Ahhhh.

For the fifteen pound mark, I'm going to get myself some new work-out gear so I can feel cute while I'm racking up my steps. No more old baggy tees and sweatshirts!

For the twenty pound mark, I'm thinking a new bikini. I've never felt comfortable spending money on bathing suits, since I've never felt like they looked good on me. If I can get to the twenty pound weight loss mark, than I deserve a nice bikini!

I'm thinking one of these. I've had my eye on the bottom one for years, and the top one has SEQUINS. Naturally I will roll in the sand and have a photo shoot in whichever one I purchase.

If I reach my ultimate goal of losing twenty five pounds, I will have to come up with a really ultimate prize. I don't know what it will be yet. Any ideas?


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