Monday, September 19, 2011

rebel yell




I wore this outfit last weekend to go shopping and grab some pizza with my bestie. I was feeling pretty cute in it. I love when the temperature is perfect for shorts with long sleeves. For some reason I just love this combo. I've been trying to take advantage of it every weekend when it's warm enough. I think we've pretty much crossed the line into "too cold for this" territory. Maybe I'll just pair this type of look up with some boots...hmmm. This blog post has turned into an outfit brainstorming session, haha.



I'm just gonna keep it pretty short and sweet today. I feel like I have a million things I'd like to get done before bed, and I am already super tired. What is wrong with me, it's 8:30! Haha, I'm really getting old. Happy Monday night!

Headband: Forever 21
Jacket: Forever 21
Shirt: H&M
Shorts: H&M
Sandals: American Eagle


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