Thursday, March 10, 2011

30 for 30: day 25

Gosh I am awfully cheerful today. Even though my pictures today are kind of dark.



Let's see, Thursday is weigh in day for me, and when I weighed in this morning I discovered I lost almost two pounds last week. That's reason enough to be cheerful if you ask me. That puts me two pounds away from my April 1st check point goal. I've been setting up check points along the way, for instance "I want to weigh xxx on April 1st" then that's what I work towards. Baby steps like that work for me. And I also set up rewards. This check point reward is a massage. Which is an awesome motivator.


As a reward for today's successful weigh in I treated myself to coffee from Dunks instead of coffee from the cafe at work. I also decided to treat myself to a day off from the gym. I really love treating myself. So instead I cleaned my room, got some freelance things done and I'm going to snuggle up with some magazines soon. All in all, a fantastic day!


[30 items: dress, hoodie, black desert boots/belt - The Limited]

I was insanely comfy in this outfit all day. My favorite dress + cozy hoodie = perfection. I'm going to start wearing my hoodies more. I have about 80 trillion and I usually just wear them when I am bumming around. But I think it looks cute with the dress, instead of a cardigan.


P.S. Anyone catch my little nod to The Breakfast Club up there? It's one of my favorite movies!


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