Tuesday, March 15, 2011

30 for 30: day 26

I'm back! After a brief birthday related blogging hiatus, I am back and ready to finish out this damn 30. I am never doing this again.


I love the idea of the 30. But to be honest, remixing my wardrobe is one of my favorite parts of getting dressed every morning. Sure, I love shopping and buying new things, but it's not like I never wear the same thing twice. It made me miss all my other clothes. I felt like they were just gathering dust in my closet, and with Spring approaching, I feel like I missed out on remixing some of my favorite winter items before it was too late.


It was also tough to time this challenge with the changing of the seasons. When I started, it was bitterly cold and snowy. Now it's beginning to warm up and my 30 clothes are becoming harder and harder to remix. I know this is supposed to be a challenge and all, but boots and sweaters are becoming impractical.


[30 items: striped tee, black jeans, black desert boots, rhinestone cardigan/watch - Fossil, gift/necklace - American Eagle]

Lastly, it stressed me out. I'm not a post-every-day kind of blogger, so it was hard for me to keep up. I'd rather leisurely blog at my own schedule than feel pressured to take pictures and post them every day. The 30 for 30 is just not for me. Sorry Kendi! But I'm glad I tried it, because now I know!



In other news, check out the sweet watch Boyfriend got me for my birthday! I'm so obsessed with it. I think it makes me look super cool. Haha.


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